Beit Chai is a family run Ministry House situated in the heart of Jerusalem city center. Our aim is to add to our guests a Jerusalem experience by providing a place where they can experience hospitality and friendliness. We will strive to make you feel at home and assist you as much as possible. In our home you will be able to connect with other guests from around the world. Whether you are a single guest or traveling in a group we will do our best to receive you with love and hospitality.
From our home you are able to see Zion Square. We are also only a 10 min walk from the Old City as well as from the Jewish Market.
There is no end to His love - That is how I experienced you! Your love, patience and hospitality is like a never ending fountain. May Abba give you more than what you can pray or desire. Love
Marésa South AfricaWhat a blessing! Thank you for the friendship, hospitality and that you are absolutely witnesses of the Lord's love. May His Shalom guide and carry you!
Hofmann Family GermanyIn life we need to experience a sanctuary where we could receive good experience love and harmony family unity at its best. Beit Chai is such a sanctuary!! May you all continue to be blessed!
Michael and Karin Louis South AfricaThank you for you hospitality. You are sincere and superb hosts!! You create a home away from home. THANK YOU!
Anmare Harris Suid AfrikaGALLERY
We believe that the Father has placed us here in Jerusalem, Israel to be a anchor point for His people to visit Israel and be able to come and stay at Beit Chai where you will find a place of rest in the midst of a very busy city. READ MORE…
Our family at Beit Chai is built on relationship and discipleship. During the years we have received many individuals who have sacrificed their time to come and serve with us in Israel. We stand in testimony of the many ways that we have been blessed by these servant hearts and also how their lives have been changed during their time here with us. READ MORE…
House of Praise
Located in the Swiss mountains in a village named Seelisberg with a population of less than 700 people, this is the perfect place to be quite before the Father.
Many of us at times need to spent some set apart time with the Father in a tranquil environment and to seek our Heavenly Father face to face. Maybe you need to know what is the next step that you need to take in your life and or ministry, and need to find out what is His plan for your life. We as the Hebrew People Team would like to invite you to come for such a time at our Ministry House, Beit Tehilah, in Switzerland. You can even make it a stopover on your way to Beit Chai, Jerusalem